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These holidays I was lucky enough to take a trip to Lake Mungo and learn about the land, history and culture of indigenous Australians. When we first arrived I was not quite sure as to what the point of the trip was apart from learning. By the end of the trip I realised learning was, yes a major part but I also was able to find myself at peace with the land and its silent stories. We got to walk on sacred land, hear stories of struggles with identity, invasion and stories of tradition, ceremony and triumph. I was able to learn of ceremonies, hunting methods, the stolen generation, stars and universe, lifestyle and treatment of Indigenous Australians. It wasn’t until I got home that I realised how much I had learnt and how much I had taken in, it helped me to open my eyes to the world around me. It is honestly a true shame that it took me this long to be able to learn the history of the place I call home.