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Members of Mutthi Mutthi tribe openly invite you to join with us
in prayer on Friday the 17th November
to celebrate the return of our Ancestor Mungo Man.
Our invitation is to all faith groups, schools, staff meetings, leadership meetings, schools board meetings, church agencies and ministries, Religious Orders and especially those who have connected to the sacred lands of Lake Mungo physically or spirituality one way or another.
As custodian and traditional owner I believe this is the most significant moment in Australia’s identity we cannot ignore as
we are living here living in the moment on country with one of the oldest living cultures in the world.
On Friday the 17th of November we will witness one of the most significant sacred moment in our reconciliation journey.
A story we must tell our children, so they can tell their children.
Attached is liturgical prayer to honor Mungo Man as he returns to country.
Prof Jim Bowler writings about ‘What is Sacred’ is woven within the liturgy
A short power point is attached to support the liturgy
There is no restrictions to add to the power point.
I hope you pray with my family in spirit and may the Holy Spirit be with us all
Yingadi and May the Spirts of My Ancestors
always look after you and keep you safe
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