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What: A free viewing of Message From Mungo, a new film
exploring the collaboration between the traditional owners of
Lake Mungo and scientific researchers.
When: Sunday the 26th of October at 3pm – $15 to cover
afternoon tea, alcohol can be purchased separately. Approx. conclusion time 5.30pm
Q and A session with traditional owners after the viewing
Why: A chance to bring together previous participants who have been on the Yingadi immersion to Lake Mungo
Location: Amberley Centre, 7 Amberley Way, Lower Plenty 3093
Contact: Andrew Lansdell – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Ph: 9439 8282
RSVP: 19th of October – availability and any dietariesFeel free to bring a friend – hope to see you there